Proverbs 4:7

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding." ~Proverbs 4:7

Thursday, February 28, 2013


Realizing What I've Done

     This morning as I was reading the proverb for today, I came across one verse that really stuck out at me. I mean, it convicted me to my heart. And that was when I realized what I've done.

Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due,
 when it is in the power of your hand to do so.
     I have been robbing my family of my best. I have not been as good to them as I know I can be. Now you may ask, "How can I be sure?" I'm just gonna say, "Trust me, I know!" I know because I live this life everyday. I know what I do and don't do. I know the things that I put effort into and the things that I don't. And one thing that I have not put effort into is my family. It's a sad thing to say, but it's a hard truth. By admitting it, I am setting myself free to make room for God to be able to do something about it. Grant it be, I do have my part to do by looking to Him and obeying His command. In this area, I must step back and allow myself to follow as He leads me to making this right before Him, my husband and my children. I need to sit before them all and confess my fault.
Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another,
 that ye may be healed.......
     Admitting when I'm wrong has never been an easy thing for me to do. My pride just wouldn't allow it. Over the years of my walk with God, I have learned that I become the bigger person in taking the first step in making things right. It's my responsibility. Even when I know that I have done nothing wrong, I find nothing harmful with humbling myself while asking God to reveal to me if I am the cause of strife. Whether I am the cause or not, I still make it right. You may say, "Why, Erica?" It's the right thing to do. No, I don't want to do it all the time. Who does? But I must. Because I have to stand before my Creator. Most importantly, I'm grateful to God for all that He has done. I know that my Father above loves me so much that it behooves me to do the right thing. Another, thing, if I don't make things right, then I'm walking in unforgiveness.
     Now that He has revealed to me my fault that I have committed against my family out of pure selfishness, I must set about as I always do (or try to do) and make it right. I love my family, contrary to what people believe. I guess they say, "If you do, it will show." Well it will. I serve the Most High God. My faith is in Him. As long as I continue to look to Him, I know that He will be the strength I need.

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